Serving Pleasant Hill, CA and the Surrounding Areas


Serving Pleasant Hill, CA and the Surrounding Areas



30 Minutes after the service

May use one (1) Antiseptic Wipe and swipe your brows gently to remove any leftover pigment or blood. Using clean cotton swabs, gently apply just enough amount of the healing ointment provided in your Aftercare Kit 3 times a day.

Night of the service

Keep the area clean, but do not wash with soap for 4 days. Never touch the area without washing your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. May use one (1) Antiseptic wipe and gently swipe over your brows, then apply the Healing Ointment and get your beauty sleep!

From this point, keep the brows as dry as possible until the brows are healed. When you shower, keep your face out of the direct stream of the water. On days you must wash your hair, use your shower guard to keep your brows as dry as possible. Keep a clean paper towel nearby to pat them dry if they get wet and immediately apply the Healing Ointment.

Day 2-14

- Do not rub the skin vigorously when washing for at least 10 days.
- Do NOT wash or use makeup remover on the area(s) or apply makeup for at least 5 days following the procedure.
- After approximately 3 days, you may feel itching. This does not mean you are allergic to the pigment, but the flaking process has started to take place. Ice the area for a few minutes to alleviate the itchy feeling. Apply the healing ointment thereafter to help with the tight and itchy feeling.
- Some people may experience redness or swelling for 2 or 3 days. 1 in 25 people may even experience a light bruising which will disappear quickly. If there is any swelling, apply an ice pack to the area for 10-minute sessions. For several days following the procedure, you may experience light bruising.
- Do not touch the area(s) with your fingers as they may have bacteria on them and create an infection. Use a clean cotton swab to apply the healing ointment 3 times daily for 7 - 10 days. Apply just enough amount to keep the area moist.
- When the area begins to flake, do NOT pick at your brows as they are healing. You want any flaking to fall off naturally for best- healed results. Rubbing the area may result in the early removal of the pigment along with crusting tissue and may result in areas with insufficient pigment.
- Avoid excessive sweating as much as you can.
- Avoid contact with animals, gardening, sun, sauna, jacuzzi, chlorine pools, ocean, or steam room for at least 10 days to preserve the color for longer.
- Do NOT use products that contain AHA’s on the procedure area(s). For example, glycolic, lactic acids. Always check your product labeling as these products will fade your pigment color. Avoid Retinol, serums, lotion, and makeup on/around brows for the entirety of your healing process (1.5-2 weeks)
- Do NOT immerse your brows in water, no swimming, etc Avoid Botox, chemical peels, and fillers for 3 weeks after your session.

Day 15 onwards

For at least 30 days, avoid swimming in pools or hot tubs. If you must use a pool or hot tub, keep the area as dry as possible and use a light coat of petroleum jelly/ointment on the area before entering the pool.​Avoid direct sun exposure for 4 weeks. It is advisable to wear a hat when going outside.

Signs and Symptoms of Infection

Some of the signs and symptoms that show you may be having an infection include but are not limited to severe redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site toward the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site. Discharges from the site may be green/yellow in color and foul in odor. Please contact MAC Permanent Beauty and SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION if any of these signs or symptoms of infection develop.